Blue Gold is a water-soluble, biodegradable concentrated liquid used for cleaning and degreasing parts and equipment. Blue Gold is non-toxic, non-flammable and non-corrosive. Blue Gold cleaner / degreaser meets all OSHA requirements.
This procedure is intended to be followed by TPS personnel for the interior and exterior cleaning of tubing, piping and fittings plus associated items requiring the specification to be used for an "Oxygen Clean Service".
The TPS facility manager shall identify, train and qualify personnel performing the cleaning function requiring the Blue Gold solution.
If a component or system is heavily contaminated a pre-cleaning is required to remove most of the contamination. Removal may be accomplished by grinding, brushing, spraying or washing.
Cleaning agent must be prepared in accordance with mixing ratio of twelve (12) parts of potable water and one (1) part Blue Gold at an ambient temperature. Mix must be agitated. Items must be free of burrs, chips, scale slag or foreign matter.
Cleaning of loop systems or single items, piping or tubing, it is recommended the solution be at a temperature between 130° F and 160 ° F.
Circulation of solution through a loop system must be performed for a minimum of one (1) hour.
A filter must be installed in the loop system to trap particulates. The filter must be inspected for particulates every fifteen (15) minutes of the circulation hour.
The pipe / tube temperature must be read at the furthest point from the start of the loop and be in the required range of 130° F to 160° F. Temperature readings must be noted with the time and date of documentation.
Rinsing with potable water is required to remove remaining cleaning agent from components or systems. Rinsing the loop system, the re-circulation process is complete and the system must be rinsed with ambient portable water in an open loop systems until all traces of the Blue Gold cleaning agent is removed from the items, piping and / or tubing being cleaned.
The drying of any items, piping, tubing and components including single items or systems must be dried with oil-free nitrogen to remove any remaining rinsing agent. NF nitrogen could be required for drying certain items.
Visual inspection is to be observed for the absence of contaminants under a strong white light.
Visually inspect for the following contaminants; rust, scale, dirt, paints, fibers, grease, oil, ink, or dye.
The item(s) being cleaned will be considered clean if there is no evidence of particulate water (moisture) on or in the item(s).
Wipe inspection is used as an aid to direct visual inspection. The surface must be wiped in two (2) directions with a new clean lint free cloth or filter paper. There must not be discoloration of the wipe when viewed by normal white light.
After an item has been cleaned, adequate precautions must be taken to ensure that it remains clean and corrosion-free until installed.
Small parts, valves, gaskets, etc., must be sealed in 4-mil; or heavier polyethylene bags after all parts are closed using a double layer of 6-mil; or heavier polyethylene sheeting taped in place with waterproof cloth tape.
Large / heavier items must be wrapped in 6-mil, or heavier polyethylene sheeting after all parts are closed using clean metal, plastic caps or plugs. Seal all openings, threaded connections, stub ends, plain piping ends.
All cleaned gas components and / or systems must have a label affixed to the package system stating: "Cleaned for Oxygen Service".
The TPS facility manager must maintain written documentation of personnel trained in accordance with this procedure. A written certificate of compliance must be maintained in the record manual. All records will be maintained for five years plus current year.